Hygienist Golden Scaler #1 - Jack Scaler

  • Product Code: GH1
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $32.96


Golden Hygienist Scalers & Gracey Curettes

Exact same USA Steel & Quality as Top Selling Brands for Less Money

As you may know, the GoldenDent team has many consulting dentists and our products are designed by practicing dentists. Did you know that all of our inside sales team are experienced practicing hygienists? Our team has taken this experience to source & manufacture a line of high quality hygienist scalers & gracey curettes that are made of the exact same USA steel as top selling brands but cost you a fraction of the price.

Our Golden Guarantee provides for 100% satisfaction that our scalers & gracey curettes will be better than the top industry brands or we will give you your money back

  • USA Steel for the Ultimate Hardness & Strength;
  • Black Titanium Coated Handles that are Durable & Aesthetically Appealing;
  • 9.5mm Hollow Handles that are Light Weight & Comfortable to Handle with Confidence;
  • Enhanced Finishing Process for Long Lasting Sharp Tips;
  • Sharpness means Less Force - more comfortable scaling for the clinician and patient; and
  • Material allows for the Ablity to Sharpen to Extend their Useful Life.

Purchase quality dental scalers directly from GoldenDent, without paying the premium pricing of top scaler brands.

The Golden Hygiene Scalers & Curettes are currently available as follows:

GH1 - Hygienist Golden Scaler #1 - Jack Scaler
GH2 - Hygienist Golden Scaler #2 - 204SD
GH3 - Hygienist Golden Scaler #3 - H5/33
GH4 - Hygienist Golden Curette #4 - Columbia 13/14
GH5 - Hygienist Golden Curette #5 - Gracey 1/2
GH6 - Hygienist Golden Curette #6 - Gracey 11/12
GH7 - Hygienist Golden Curette #7 - Gracey 13/14
GH8 - Hygienist Golden Curette #8 - Barnhart 5/6
GHIK - Hygienist Golden Scaler Intro Kit - GH#1 thru GH#8

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