Smart Dentin Grinder

Smart Dentin Grinder - Purchase Now

What is the Smart Dentin Grinder?

As you are aware, autogenous graft (patients own bone) is the gold standard of grafting. So why do more dentists not use autogenous grafts today? Because it has never really been practical to implement into your practice due to the need for another surgical site from the patient. The Smart Dentin Grinder has changed this.

The Smart Dentin Grinder from GoldenDent is an innovative solution to practically create autogenous dentin graft from extracted teeth. It allows you to convert extracted teeth into bacteria-free particulate dentin ready for use in minutes.

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Step 1: Preparing the Teeth

  • The extraction of teeth and the preparation of the particulate dentin are done in the same clinical session.
  • Use a high-speed handpiece to remove all cavities, artificial material and debris from patient's extracted teeth, so that only the clean tooth remains. Dry the teeth well by air syringe. No need to decoronate or remove the enamel.

Preparing the Smart Dentin Grinder

Step 2: Preparing the Smart Dentin Grinder

  • Lock in place the chamber on top of the Smart Dentin Grinder by:
    Aligning the small arrow on the chamber with the one in the center of the grinder marked as 'INSERT'.
  • Turn the chamber counterclockwise to lock it in position. When locked, the LOCK Aligning indicator arrow on the chamber is aligned with the LOCK indicator on the grinder.
  • Switch on the Smart Dentin Grinder. Switch located in the back of the unit.

Placing the Teeth in the Smart Dentin Grinder

Step 3: Placing the Teeth in the Smart Dentin Grinder

Important: Dry the prepared teeth by air syringe. Only dry teeth are ready for processing.

  • Place the prepared teeth inside the chamber next to the blades, up to 4 teeth at a time.
  • Close the chamber cap and twist it counterclockwise so that it clicks into place.
Configuring the Grinding Time

Configuring the Grinding Time

To configure Grinding Time:

  • Press the GRIND button. The GRIND indicator lights up.
  • Press the UP or DOWN button as many times as needed in order to set the preferred Grinding Time.

We recommend setting grinding time to 3 seconds.
* Note: With the new Genesis Model, the grinder is pre-set and this step is not necessary.

Configuring the Sorting Time

Configuring the Sorting Time

To configure the Sorting time, in seconds:

  • Press the SORT button. The SORT indicator lights up.
  • Press the UP or DOWN button as many times as needed in order to set the preferred Sorting Time.

We recommend setting sorting time to 10 seconds.
* Note: With the new Genesis Model, the grinder is pre-set and this step is not necessary.


Grinding and Sorting the Teeth

  • Press the START button to start the grinding process.
  • If large particles are left in the grinding chamber, press the START button again to grind for another 3 seconds and to sort for another 10 seconds. Be sure that no dentin particles are left in the top grinding chamber in order to maximize the output.

Grinding and Sorting the Teeth

Step 4: Extracting the Chamber Drawers

  • Pull out/apart the top drawer compartment, which contains particles of between 300 - 1,200 microns.
  • Bottom drawer containing particles smaller than 300 microns can be added as well in case more output volume is needed.

Extracting the Chamber Drawers
Cleansing the Particles

Step 5: Cleansing the Particles

  • Transfer the contents of the top drawer compartment into one of the provided sterile containers (mixing dish).
  • Pour the provided DENTIN CLEANSER (RED CAP) into the container with the particulate. Fill to completely cover the particulate.
  • Close the container's cap by turning it clockwise.
  • Leave the particulate in the DENTIN CLEANSER solution for 5 minutes at room temperature.
  • Using a sterile gauze, dehydrate the DENTIN CLEANSER solution.
  • Pour Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS - GREEN CAP) into the container to completely cover the particulate. Use a sterile instrument to mix the particulate and dehydrate using a new sterile gauze.
  • REPEAT THE PREVIOUS STEP of the PBS only (GREEN CAP) TWICE (only the PBS solution should be repeated). Please use sufficient amount of PBS. This step is important in order to neutralize pH levels.
  • The particulate dentin is ready for immediate grafting.


  • To dry the graft, place the open container with the wet particulate dentin in an Autoclave and run a Dry Cycle. Be careful, as the glass container will be hot! The dry graft should be covered, capped and labeled. Please refer to instructions for how to store dentin graft particulate.
Absolutely. The research shows that dentin is very similar to bone as for its chemical and biological composition. Furthermore, due to its strength it acts as the ultimate scaffold.
Yes. It is better than allograft due to its autologous nature, same proteins, and no immunogenic response. It is also denser than allograft. Being osteogenic it rapidly differentiates into bone. As a result the site will heal a lot quicker and be ready for restoration much faster in comparison to allograft. Most importantly it promotes new bone regeneration at the site. You will experience very little graft resorption if any with this type of graft.
It is true, your time is valuable. We understand this. The process is not complicated and we find that most often your staff will prepare the graft for you. The longest portion of the process is the 10 minute cleansing-soaking process, where you can be doing other things while waiting. Beyond this aspect, I think you will agree that autogenous graft is the best graft clinically for your patient. This graft provides superior care, extraordinary bone formation and superior soft tissue response which is absolutely worth the small investment of your assistants time. There are also financial considerations to consider, where a single tooth can create three times the volume in graft material. You can achieve typically 1cc from an incisor and 3-4cc's from a molar or premolar. For more complex cases or multiple graft sites, the graft material cost can add up quickly with an allograft. This savings should be taken into consideration.

Also, there is the healing time consideration. You will be able to complete the procedure in a shorter period of time, where you will not have to wait as long to complete the procedure due to the increased healing time.
Our Dentin Cleanser Kit is very effective in eliminating bacteria and any organic matter. There are a couple easy steps in the process to prepare the graft using first a Dentin Cleanser (0.5m of sodium hydroxide with 20% ethanol) followed by a Dentin Wash (phosphate buffered saline). Coupled with the fact that the Dentin graft is autologous, the risk of infection is close to zero and certainly lower than other pre-packaged grafts that are commonly used today.
Dentin does not resorb but rather it is fused (ankylosed) by bone. Together the fused bone-dentin matrix will remodel very slowly which will maintain the superior aesthetics of the restoration for much longer than other grafts.

In theory, do not change your best practices at first, but your experience will show you that with the Dentin graft you will be getting strong bone formation in about half the time of any other graft. The studies have found that the mandible site can be ready in as quick as seven (7) weeks and the maxillary site can be ready in three (3) months. This is much more efficient than the typical three (3) months for the mandible and six (6) months for the maxilla that most dentists would wait using an allograft or other non-autogenous graft.
Yes. You will grind the entire tooth after removing any amalgam or composite during the mechanical cleaning stage. Some dentists do remove the crown or enamel aspect prior to grinding the tooth, but this is absolutely not a necessary aspect.
You will get three times the volume of the tooth, where typically you will create 1cc from an incisor and 3-4cc's from a molar or premolar.
Rest assured that a lot of clinical research has been completed to support this concept. The research on this specific product includes both scientific studies as well as clinical studies over the last five (5) years. There is a lot more supporting research on this general idea that spans across three decades.
All these elements need to be stripped off the tooth by mechanically cleaning the tooth with a tungsten bur prior to placing the tooth in the grinder. The dentist should try and get as much of it off the extracted tooth as possible. As for decay or organic elements, there's no need to eliminate it entirely. If traces of decay and such remain - these will all be dissolved by the cleanser and wash process.
Endodontically treated teeth. Since it is hard to tell what type of endo fillers and sealers have been used on the endodontically treated tooth, it can't be guaranteed that these materials do not contain toxic elements that will not be discarded by the cleanser. As a result, it is not recommended.
Yes. The product is classified as a Type 1 medical device and it is 510K exempt under FDA ruling. Manufacturing is conducted in medical grade (GMP) facilities and all consumable components undergo rigorous sterilization and inspection prior to shipping.
The Dentin mineralized graft prepared by the Smart Dentin Grinder can be stored at room temperature indefinitely.
Absolutely. There are well documented cases using the above methods with the dentin graft. Furthermore, we recommend that you use the Dentin graft the same way that you use any other graft. We are not asking the dentist to change anything in the way they use bone grafts. For example, you will still need to use a membrane as you have been educated in grafting.
Yes. The grinding chamber can't be re-used or sterilized. The chamber should be discarded after use for a specific patient. The cost for each chamber is around $50 per patient, which is very cost effective in comparison to other graft materials. Especially due to the fact that a single tooth can create 3-4cc of graft material.


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